
时间:2023-01-09 10:10:09  来源:网友投稿

端午节英文祝福邮件1  1、我说:要看短信的人端午节快乐!  Isay:toseethepersonofmessageDragonBoatFestivalishappy!  2、愿我能把世上最好的祝下面是小编为大家整理的端午节英文祝福邮件3篇(全文完整),供大家参考。




  I say:to see the person of message Dragon Boat Festival is happy!


  May I can put the best blessing to you,and wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!


  Remember:you smile smile of my world,wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!


  Let this coat tightly with pass every minute near you,wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!


  As friends,I wish you happy Dragon Boat Festival、


  Not often contact,but must heart,As friends,I wish you happy Dragon Boat Festival、


  Wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy、


  Filar silk gentle breeze,preach to the festival,piaoxiang distant remarks of you,may you have this wonderful everything,Dragon Boat Festival is happy、


  I do not have words to express,only to have reality,I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival、


  taking off your coat,you are so Bainen,in light of the Youxiang,Tianyi Tian again on a bite,my heart fly Cloud Nine,ah,I love dumplings!



  Do more exercise and less mahjong, so that you can eat more rice dumplings and get healthy every day!


  Dragon Boat Festival brings good mood and brings good life.


  Let this coat closely accompany you to spend every minute and every second, wish Dragon Boat Festival happy!


  I wish you all the best in your life and everything goes smoothly and healthily.


  There is a friendship that does not need to be hung up, but it is understood. Wish Dragon Boat Festival happy!


  A heart hangs on you, a love bless you, a true feeling is waiting for your response. Happy Dragon Boat Festival!


  With the help of the Dragon Boat Festival, I wish you love like spring breeze and happiness and happiness.


  When there is separation, there is a gathering. The longer they are, the more intimate they are. I want to tell you that I really miss you on this Dragon Boat Festival.


  On the Dragon Boat Festival, I wish you a happy holiday, good luck and happiness.


  A zongzi, wrapped in honey, honey, and greet you with a greeting. Happy Dragon Boat Festival!


  1.神看见你口渴,便创造了水;神看见你肚饿,便创造了米;神看见你寂寞,所以他创造了你的朋友我,端午节到了,我祝愿你节日快乐,多吃粽子!god see you thirsty, then creating a water; God see you hungry, then creating meters; God see you lonely, so he created you friend I, the Dragon Boat Festival arrived, I wish you a happy holiday, eat more rice dumplings!

  2.一丝真诚胜过千两黄金,一丝温暖能抵万里寒霜,一声问候送来温馨甜蜜,一条短信捎去我万般心意,端午节快乐是我最大的心愿!a sincere is better than a thousand gold pieces over WanLiHan frost, warm a salute, a message sent sweet bring to you my thoughts, Dragon Boat Festival is happy godlike is my best wishes!

  3.一条短信息,祝福一串串:端午节到了,祝快快乐乐,开开心心;健健康康,轻轻松松;团团圆圆,恩恩爱爱;和和美美,红红火火!a short message, bless strings: Dragon Boat Festival arrived, wish happy, a happy heart; Healthy, unwind; Completely round, boon conjugal love; HeHeMeiMei, thriving!

  4.偶尔的繁忙,不代表遗忘;夏日的到来,愿你心情舒畅,曾落下的问候,这一刻一起补偿,所有的"关心,凝聚这条短信,祝端午节快乐。and the occasional busy, do not represent forgotten; The arrival of summer, wish you good mood, had dropped greetings, in this moment, all the concern with compensation, condensing this message, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy.

  5.有时我忙,有时我忘;有时我累,有时我懒!但怎样我也会记得想你,想你这个好朋友!记住:你微笑时我的世界也微笑,祝端午节快乐!sometimes I busy, sometimes I forget; Sometimes I tired, I sometimes lazy! But what I will remember to miss you this good friend! Remember: you smile smile of my world, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

  6.用一缕春风,两滴夏雨,三片秋叶,四朵冬雪,做成五颜六色的礼盒;打着七彩八飘的丝带,用九分真诚,十分热情,装进无数祝福送给你,愿端午节好运。use a wisp of spring breeze, the two drops of summer rain, 3-piece akiha, four flower, make it snows colorful box; Floating ribbons waving discus with eight, nine points sincere, very enthusiastic, put them in countless wishes to you, let the Dragon Boat Festival good luck.

  7.一笑忧愁跑,二笑烦恼消,三笑心情好,四笑不变老,五笑兴致高,六笑幸福绕,七笑快乐到,八笑收入好,九笑步步高,十全十美乐逍遥,端午节快乐!a smile sorrow run, two troubles away, three smile smile good mood, four laugh unchanged old, five, six smile smile high enthusiasm around seven laughing, happy, happy to eight, nine smile smile income, is ten merlot step unfettered, Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

  8.发出的是文字,收到的是快乐,见到的是短信,不见的是牵挂,打开的是健康,读出的是吉祥,默默的是祝福,祝端午节快乐。issue are text, received is happy, see is SMS, disappear is is health care, open, read is auspicious, silently is a blessing, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy.

  9.你是多愁善感的乌鸦,你是活蹦乱跳的青蛙,你是洁白的地瓜,你是我心中火红的大虾,我想祝福看我短信的傻瓜:永远流着幸福的哈拉,祝端午节快乐!you are sentimental crow, you are wriggling frog, you are white pachyrhizus, you are in my heart, I think red shrimp blessing see my message fool: always flow happy chat, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

  10.有人牵挂的漂泊不叫流浪,有人陪伴的哭泣不叫悲伤,有人珍惜的感情叫做挚爱,有人分享的快乐叫做幸福,祝愿你幸福,端午节快乐!some people worry wanderer don"t call stray, someone accompany cry not call sad, someone cherish affection called love, someone Shared joy is called happiness, wish you happy, happy Dragon Boat Festival!

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